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How long does it last?

Your Embroidery will last as long as it’s maintained. Untouched, the ink will last 1-3 years.

How often do I need a touch up?

Six weeks after your first session a touch up is necessary to define strokes and re do areas that may have faded during initial healing. This first touch up is included in the price if performed within 3 months of initial service. Any touch ups after this are subject to fees.

Does it hurt?

There is some discomfort associated with the procedure. A topical anesthetic is used to numb the area we recommend taking two Tylenols one hour before your service to ensure a totally pain free service. Some say the sensation is similar to getting threaded.

Will it look natural?

Yes, cosmetic embroidery looks as if you have filled in your brows with pencil but a little softer and more muted. Immediately after the treatment the colour will appear stronger and darker for the first 7-14 days. After that, you can lose approximately 50-60% of complete colour during the healing process within 7-14 days.

How long is healing?

Immediately after your microblading procedure and in the first 10 days, your brows will appear significantly darker and defined than perhaps your desired look. It may continue to get darker over the next few days as scabs begin to form, however this is not an accurate indication of the finished and healed result. 30-50% of your brow color will fade as the scabs fall off within 7-10 days. In some cases, the scabs may take longer to heal and fall off. DO NOT PICK YOUR SCABS. The pigment is within the scab and you do not want to pull any pigment out of your skin prematurely. We all heal differently and what works on one client may not be effective on another so please do not compare your results.

The complete healing process takes approximately 6 weeks.

What’s the process like?

Microblading is a two step treatment, consisting of an initial procedure and then a touch up six to eight weeks after. After we take your before photo, we shape your eyebrows and decide together on the best shape and colour. Shortly after that, a topical anesthetic will be administered to ensure comfort. Once you’re numb, the custom blended pigment is deposited.

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